Friday, July 23, 2010

The Endless Possibilities of Garage Space

Square foot for square foot, no other room has the versatility of the garage. Yes, it is the place you park your car and store the kids' sports equipment. But it's also a workshop, a hobby shop, an art studio, a workout room, and even an office. Some of these workshops were the birthplaces of Apple Computer, Hewlett-Packard, and the first studio for a cartoonist named Walt Disney. As families grew, the garage offered the opportunity to renovate and increase the size of the kitchen or the living room. There's room for expansion above the garage where you can add the home office or another bedroom.

Anyone who admires, owns, or collects cars spends time in the garage. Garages designed for car enthusiasts are functional, well lit, and easily accessible. Preferably the ceiling height will accommodate a car lift. Electrical wiring should support multiple power tools, a compressor, and ventilation. All of this is possible and doable with the right plan. Spend the time needed to work and rework your plan and you'll have the garage of your dreams.

Once you have the space you want, you have to fill with the stuff you want. The vehicles you have. The tools, the garage accessories, the decorations and the automobilia all reflect your tastes and interests. Signs, clocks, posters, banners, and model cars add interest. Cabinetry for your car parts and car care products eliminate the clutter. Add a powerful stereo and your ready to spend hours wrenching and waxing.

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